Please fill out the form below so we can prepare for your Consultation.
Initial Consultation
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Age(s) of your autistic child(ren)
How old was your child at the time of diagnosis?
What is the biggest parenting challenge you are currently facing?
What are your parenting goals?
a. Difficulty managing meltdowns or outbursts
b. Struggles with communication or collaboration
c. Power struggles and resistance to daily routines
d. Feeling stuck using strategies that don’t seem to work
e. Parenting burnout and emotional exhaustion
f. Other
What supports have you tried to help your child? Check all that apply
Occupational Therapy
Mental health care
Parenting courses
Read parenting books
Parenting workshops
None of the above
What are you hoping to receive from a call with me and my team?
Why is now the right time for you to explore parent coaching?
On a scale from 1 to 10, how ready are you to HIRE A PARENTING COACH to gain the parenting tools and skills you need?
I promise to show up for my call on time and distraction free. STOP AND THINK BEFORE RESPONDING. If you agree type "Yes I will"